WAKESEED - Sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento pessoal e comunitário

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RE.criar (English)

RE.criar®, portugueses upcycling, project seeks international partners...
The Sustainable Development, a UN Knowledge Platform, come up with sustainable goals that, quite often, present themselves as local challenges that participants have to endure and overcome. These goals are mainly Education and Citizenship related. 
Moreover, the Europe 2020 strategy aims at creating smart, sustainable and inclusive growth by investing in education, research and innovation paying particular attention to employment creation and poverty reduction. The Europe 2020 strategy focuses on five fundamental targets employment, research, education, poverty reduction and climate / energy.
What is RE.criar®?
RE.criar is a non-formal education methodology, designed by Cristina Sofia Ferreira, co-founder of the Portuguese Association nonprofit WAKESEED.org, coordinator of the Citizenship and Education for Sustainable Development office.
The motto of project is:  To change the world, or our lives, we have to find our transformative potential! , in a positive, helpful and experiential way.
From the five targets defined by the Europe 20202 strategy  the project  RE.criar fits and powers three of them:
- Employment: enabling entrepreneurship and eco products’ creation.
- Education: promoting civic education activities that will eventually reduce the dropout rate.
- Poverty Reduction: teaching community-oriented economical practices.
The activities carried out in the previous years – 2013/ 2014 – have been helpful to determine the validity of our methodologies that: 
- Promote inclusion without effacing the individual; respect nature and the fair sharing of resources.
- Encourage cooperation, trust and responsibility as well as individual and collective resilience.
- Teach how to manufacture goods to sell, using social/ecological methodologies.  

How do we work?
We use a variety of tools and techniques. We explore our surroundings in search of old and thrown way products and use recycling and upcycling to give them new uses. 
RE.criar activities can be put in motion in different contexts, for the methodologies are extremely adaptable.  They relate to very different audiences. 
RE.criar is also in accordance both with several social responsibility strategies of national and international companies and sustainable projects. 
RE.criar aims at creating spaces, providing time to develop knowledge and tools that, through the sharing of ideas and experiences, will generate creative processes and social innovation.
The main goals of the project are:
1. To raise awareness of the paradigm of sustainable development;
2. To encourage active citizenship and resilience at community level;
3. To promote environmental protection;
4. To teach ethical consumerism;
5. To develop personal and professional competences;
6. To develop entrepreneurship;
7. To encourage the making of urban art.
The project is divided into 4 axes:
Axis 1 – Entrepreneurship program: social and professional training.
Axis 2 – Recreational and educational short-term activities.
Axis 3 – Schools’ and universities’ workshops and seminars. 
Axis 4 – Creation of audiovisual and educational resources. 


Cris Ferreira
Coordinator of the Citizenship and Education for Sustainable Development office

| cris.ferreira@wakeseed.org | Tel: + 351 916.889.908 |  www.wakeseed.org |

| facebook: vamosrecriar | Pintarest: Re.criar | youtube:  /watch?v=LuTIqBaaGc8|

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